Vision Performance Index - VPI®

Powering more human experiences in a digitally converging world

vizzario's sensory data exchange platform - sdep

Introducing a new way to understand how people perceive and interact with their environment

leveraging our senses

Through a combination of Neuroscience and AI, Vizzario enables technology to better understand five key areas of human behavior


Learn how our technologies are leveraged in mobile toolkits here

where do we begin?

Vision is the predominant sense engaged with evolving digital environments

The average adult consumes 9-11 hours of screen-based content per day

Over 50% of the brain is devoted to processing visual information

how it works

Powerful Technology

We utilize an SDK through content, wearables, sensors, mobile cameras, and head mounted displays to gather data.

Secure Platform

We value data privacy and incorporate highly secure mechanisms for anonymization and storage

Vizzario Core

We combine advanced neuroscience and machine/deep-learning models with a state-of-the-art knowledge management system to provide insights and recommendations on human behavior

Valuable Insights

We provide consumer personas/profiles for the following markets

  • eSports
  • Sports
  • Military
  • Healthcare
  • Mobile Applications
  • Retail
  • VR / AR / MxR


Deeper understanding of consumer engagement, productivity, performance, and device optimization across multiple industries

Understand your customers

Go beyond traditional emotion detection and real-time face tracking to gain unprecedented insights on customer/product interactions

Optimize visual performance

Gauge fatigue and responsiveness; improve accuracy and productivity

Customize user experiences

Leverage valuable data-driven insights to create digital experiences that your customers enjoy

Measure understanding

Better understand when your content is being understood while measuring engagement

Leverage valuable data

Tap into the wealth of visual data available

Create a bigger impact

Create measurable engaging content that your customers choose to interact with
